Homemade Valentine Nuts: Sweet and Savory

It’s that special time of year again when lovers shower significant others with gifts and praises, and singles do their best to disregard the festivities all together. Seeing as eating tends to play as large a part in this season as any other activity, it would feel almost sacrilege to boycott a Valentine’s Day post.

Now for those of you who still haven’t come up with a creative way to woo that special someone, fret no more! I’ve got a quick and easy nutty treat for your longtime love or secret admirer – and there’s a savory and spicy, or sweet and fruity option to choose from.

Plantain Croquettes

The very first time I tried croquettes was many moons ago during a Spanish study abroad program back in my college days.

Gloria, my “Señora” at the time (a name we gave to our homestay mothers), was the most adorable little Spanish lady who would serve up the most delightful little meals. I credit her for introducing me to the appetizing world of Spanish cuisine.